Sardinia (Italy) Engagement Shoot

Lisa & Andrew

Sardinia (Italy) Engagement Shoot

Lisa & Andrew

When I was getting my engineering degree (yes, I studied for almost 6 years in a tech university, however never worked as an engineer ever after, but this is a different story) I met Lisa and we became very good friends through all the study time. My passion for photography started back in those days and Lisa always told me that I should photograph her wedding when she will have one. Sure! But, you know how the life is, we moved to different countries and did not have many opportunities to meet.

Meanwhile, I got a text from her boyfriend Andrew and imagine my surprise when he asked me if I were willing to make a Sardinia (Italy) engagement shoot for them! Certainly I was! We have fixed the date and I went to Cagliari. 



Sardinia (Italy) Destination Engagement Shoot

Lisa had no idea about the engagement. Neither about the shoot and that I will be the one to photograph it. During their vocation Andrew has made a proposal and after that we all met at Sardinia’s “capitol” – Cagliari. 

It was a nice surprise for everyone and I was happy I got a chance to tell their love story. Meanwhile, we have decided to use three different locations for our Sardinia engagement shoot and started at the old part of the city. After that, we went to the west coast of the island, nearby the Torre di Flumentorgiu, and later – to the north of Sardinia. 

We had so much fun and I really enjoyed this time. It was easy and interesting to photograph Lisa & Andrew. Now I am really looking forward to capture the best moments of their wedding!


Sardinia engagement shoot Sardinia engagement shoot Sardinia engagement shoot | Oleg Tru - wedding photographer Sardinia Italy engagement shoot | Oleg Tru - wedding photographer Sardinia Italy engagement shoot | Oleg Tru - wedding photographer Sardinia Italy engagement shoot | Oleg Tru - wedding photographer Sardinia Italy engagement shoot | Oleg Tru - wedding photographer Sardinia engagement shoot | Oleg Tru - wedding photographer Sardinia engagement shoot | Oleg Tru - wedding photographer Sardinia engagement shoot | Oleg Tru - wedding photographer Sardinia engagement shoot | Oleg Tru - wedding photographer Sardinia engagement shoot | Oleg Tru - wedding photographer Sardinia engagement shoot | Oleg Tru - wedding photographer Sardinia engagement shoot | Oleg Tru - wedding photographer  

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