Faroe Islands Adventurous Elopement
Part 1
From the first moments at the Faroe Islands I felt like I am at another planet… Everything is different, everything is shocking beautiful, and calm. That is to say, I couldn’t be more excited about our 4 day Faroe Islands adventurous elopement!
Lera & Jura wanted to do something special after their official wedding at home, something they would remember for the rest of their lives. I am very grateful they asked me to tell their story. It is a beautiful, intimate and a fun one. Join us through the 4 Parts of our journey!
Faroe Islands

The first part of our adventurous elopement starts in a small house at Sandavágur. It is the middle of June and day length is around 19,5 hours. In other words, we wake up early and go to sleep quite late. A cup of coffee and beloved person next to you makes this time magical, just as the landscape all around.
Most importantly, I wanted to capture those beautiful intimate moments that Lera & Jura experience together. No makeup, no posing, no perfection. Just as they are. Certainly, it was one of the best times throughout our Faroe Islands adventurous elopement.
Meanwhile, make sure to scroll all the way down to the second shoot of this part, where this two lovers join the epic landscape of Gásadalur.
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